Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Only in America?

Okay, maybe not only in America maybe in another braindead country as well. But what are we supposed to think when 39% of the population would vote Sarah Palin for president? Hillary Clinton would only be edging out Sarah Palin 51-42. What kind of criteria do people use to make their decisions? Is that all it takes is to be a religious extremist? Be against abortion and evolution and suddenly 2/5 of the country will vote for you? I mean we're talking about a person who only has a 4 year degree, and thats from Idaho. We're talking about a person who not long ago was working to become a sports reporter. If Mccain is elected there is a significant chance he won't last the full four years, which isn't fear mongering, it's just being realistic. I believe that someone who believes in teaching creationism in schools should not be involved in politics, or managing a budget. This is the problem with religion in politics, it allows people like Sarah Palin to come bolting through the door.

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